Your brand is the Everyman Brand Archetype- ready to learn how to use it?
Understand the Everyman Archetype:
The Everyman (sometimes referred to as the Girl or Guy Next Door) comforts others by virtue of their authenticity, honesty, and hardworking nature. They’re happy to support and collaborate with others because of their belief that all people should have equal rights and opportunities. They are secure in their own qualifications, yet able to acknowledge the expertise of everyone else at the table as their equal.
This archetype’s deep need to belong can leave them anxious that they’ll be left out or stand out from the crowd. Sometimes they’d prefer to lose their individuality in order to fit in, making them cynical about others’ uniqueness. Generally, you’ll find they’re open, honest people full of grit and empathy.
Companies that have a down-home organizational structure or that make products that we use in everyday life are great fits for this archetype. Casual workplaces, casual, everyday environments are the norm in Everyman companies.
The Everyman brand archetype, also known as the citizen, the girl or guy next door, the regular guy or girl, or the realist desire to quietly fit in and create connection with others. They believe that everyone matters, just as they are and that all men and women are created equal and should be treated as such. This archetype develops ordinary, solid virtues and the common touch to appeal to others and draw them in.
The archetype, along with the Lover and Jester taps into our universal fear of loneliness and fear of exclusion. The Everyman brand archetype has particular strengths in realism, empathy and lack of pretense.
The Everyman brand archetype, like all archetypes in the belonging quadrant, struggles to balance belonging with maintaining self. As with any group, there is always that question – can I be a part of the group, fit in, and still be myself?
Brand Voice:
The Everyman brand archetype voice consists of wholesome images, cooperative groups, and messages of acceptance. Care to show real people “just like you” and acceptance of the consumer just as they are is important. Frugal and practical advice offers ways to help everyone along. Within the organization, it is not unusual for the company to be owned by the workers. Casual dress is the norm. It may not be immediately obvious who the organizational leaders are in groups. Decision making is done in a democratic matter as much as possible. Social occasions involving customers and staff happen frequently.
Customer and Brands:
The Everyman brand archetype is a good fit for brands who use helps people belong or helps them feel that they belong. If a product is used commonly in everyday life, it may be a good match for the Everyman brand. If the company in question has a down-home organizational culture or wants to differentiate themselves in a positive way from a higher priced or more elitist brand, it will be a good fit for the Everyman brand archetype.
Pin this handy reference sheet:

Not sure you found the right archetype?
Most brands are a mix of more than one archetype – and two archetypes can be tricky but very rewarding to blend. Below you will find links to all of the archetypes so you can familiarize yourself with other descriptions and characteristics to see if there is one that feels like a better fit for you and your brand. If you are still struggling – feel free to contact me to chat and see if together we can sort out what works best for you!