Solid foundations to build on

Brand Strategy

Why is brand strategy important?

Brand Strategy = Brand Consistency

What do I mean when I say brand strategy?  At it’s very core. a strategy details what you want something to do or to accomplish.  A brand strategy then, is a plan for what you want your brand to accomplish.  When you have that nailed down, it makes everything else fall into place more easily.

Your  brand strategy defines what you stand for, a promise you make, and the personality you convey. As Marty Neumeier states, “Your brand isn’t what you say it is. It’s what they say it is” – meaning your customers and the public ultimately control what your brand truly is.

Every touchpoint is important

What Creates Your Brand?

The touchpoints your customer and the public has with your company help create that brand – so that includes your logo, color palette and slogan, but also the day-to-day interactions you have with your market such as:

  • The images you convey
  • The messages you deliver on your website, proposals and campaigns
  • The way your employees interact with customers
  • A customer’s opinion of you versus your competition

If there is a misalignment in these touchpoints, you risk losing your customers’ trust at the worst- and failing to communicate the true value you offer at the least.   Obviously, making sure these touchpoints align is key.

Personalized Process

Let me be your brand guide

I know from experience that answering these questions and building this strategy alone can be more difficult that it first appears.  However, my background in psychology, as well as recent training in brand strategy itself makes me particularly poised to help you make the impact you deserve, and get the customers you need. 

Communication and interviews help me get a clear picture of you, your preferences, the personality of your company and your brand.  I help you develop a strategy and use that strategy to develop the perfect visuals for your company’s brand style. 

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