Tech Start up Brand Design & Development

The Customer:

CodeBaby AI Avatar

Tech Company with Startup Energy

While CodeBaby technically has been around for some time, the injection of new energy, new funding, and new direction energized it to the level of a brand new start up.  I met the owner and CEO when I was asked to design a new logo for them, little knowing what was in store for both of us. 

A group of five codebaby avatars standing together - one waving and one beckoning to the viewer


Technology, StartUp, SaaS


Logo, Branding, Website. Web Design, Marketing Collateral, Consultation, Advisory Board

Relevant Skills

Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD, WordPress, Elementor

Adobe XD UI design for tech start up
Adobe XD UI design for tech start up

The Brief

Making the Technical Personal

From the start, the biggest task for communicating the value of Codebaby’s products and services has been how to communicate how they can help their target customers connect with their own audiences more effectively by using their technology.  

Their main target audiences are educator users (for e-learning applications) and businesses on digital platforms (mainly websites, but not limited to them). They had a user portal, website, social media channels, some already existing e-learning channels in development, and of course, marketing collateral. 

The Challenge

Smart technology that is also friendly.

The discussion of the brand began with the logo development.    While a clean, modern design was desired, a fun, friendly twist was also welcomed.  

The company fully embraces clean, modern, smart design while making sure they are also approachable and friendly – good design, accessibility, and lack of clutter.  

Avatar holding the codebaby logo

Full Website Redesign

Building on Set Touchpoints

The biggest piece of the integration of communication of the value of the Codebaby product is their main website.  The website needed to be adjusted to better address the viewer – to “speak” to their concerns while also showing them exactly how the avatars could benefit them.  Streamlining the visual information while highlighting the avatar’s presence was the first visual step.

The integral step was accomplished via the tech team – they integrated the avatar as a site demo on the main site itself.  Ready on site launch, the avatar is ready to give a site tour and to assist in various other ways as well – proving the use cases on the spot, and allowing a practical demonstration of how the product works in real time.   

The main site:

I am a part of CodeBaby’s advisory panel and continue to advise on their direction and brand decisions.  


Click on the below photos to enlarge them. 

Front page Codebaby tech startup website design web development
Front Page
About the Company Codebaby tech startup website design web development
About the Company
Features Page Codebaby tech startup website design web development
Features Page
Use Cases Account Assistance Codebaby tech startup website design web development
Use Cases
Demos Page Codebaby tech startup website design web development
Demo Page
Blog Archive Page Codebaby tech startup website design web development
Blog Archive
Blog Article Template Page Codebaby tech startup website design web development
Individual Blog Page
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